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I'm stuck on the "more arms" riddle


I can only make a flower, how do I make a plant to turn it into a vine?


plant + stick. how'd you get the flower? I'm completely stumped



Wood+ stone =dirt. 

Water + stone =sand

Water + sand =clay

Clay + dirt=planter (or clay + fire =clay pot, then dirt + clay pot but that isn't as efficient)

Planter + water=flower

how do I make a plant D:


dirt + water! And thank you!


thank you as well!

Deleted 1 year ago

Its a bottle, try making glass and then combining it with wind

theres no fire ;-;

how do we make glass????

(1 edit)

sand and wind. How to make sand, I think water and rock or wind and rock.

I got sandstorm-

sand and FIRE makes glass by the way

(1 edit)

use wind + lighting then use what you get from that with wood and there you go :D

im really stuck on the groundbreaking riddle? any help pls? :')


shovel! dirt + log

how do i help the kid who wants something to clime with

make a plant a fuse it with a stick

good game i love it

Deleted post

yes there working on more but it takes time to code, adds, and find out how to fix the bugs


Actually Artificer is on hold indefinitely. It's not likely we'll continue the game, sorry about that :(

Deleted post

awwww thats sad well i hope something happenes so you can do more, well good luck on your future projects I love ur 3 games so far :)


Thanks, really appreciate that! We're definitely planning to do more story-driven games, so the spirit of Artificer isn't dead :P

well, i like how your games connect to each other so I hope you make more like that. love your stuff 

Kraft & Slash is just this game but with fightanance, anyways this game isss cool, just, it's, just less.

Deleted post

found out how nvm

how do i make flowers? for the prologue guy



rock + wood = dirt

rock + water or wind = sand

sand + water = clay

clay + dirt = plant pot

plant pot + water = flower

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

I am really enjoying the game and looking forward to the next chapter...I have been a bit frustrated with the Groundbreaking riddle...Offering Kraft a hammer didn't work...I see an outline of a shovel on the intro screen but I cant figure out how to make one. Hint please.

add dirt is your hint

Thank you Audrey. I got my shovel.

no problem happy to help

how to make sand



stone+water or stone+wind

Is the full game really not out yet?

it takes a little time for the creators to be sure that the game is perfect and bug free

accept the torch kraft


Okay now I'm having trouble with "Plunge me into the sea" I believe the answer is fishing rod or fishing net but I have no idea how to make them please help T_T

water + stick, makes a harpon


thank you so much :D

You're welcome

(1 edit) (+1)

wait i tried a harpoon but it didn’t work??? I’m so confused :0

Edit: nvm it was a fishing rod

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm stuck on the 4th riddle "take me with you", idk what I need to make, can anyone help??

Edit: ohh nvm I  just got it! it was torch :D


umm im trying to play this on my lap top but the way its croped its kinda hard

ctrl - / ctrl +
will zoom in/out your screen which should fix the problem

so i can zoom out enough to see the whole screen but the smaller text gets hard to see


"what are you gonna do with that spare bottled flame?"

i'm gonna throw it at you if you keep making that face


we need more comments like this

Deleted 9 days ago

I'm stuck on a beautiful sight riddle... please help

(1 edit)

Try a flower. Also, what in your collection would be painful to touch? 

Deleted post

its cactus, which is flower plus axe, i pretty much 100% discovered the stuff in kraft & slash and its almost the exact same here, so yeah, figure out how to make axe and you're good

(1 edit)

i forgor how to lol

(edit) wait nvm i got it 


stone+electricity = gravel

gravel+water= concrete



forge+stone= axe

axe+flower= cactus

(1 edit) (+1)

will you ever continue working on this? also I need help on the "Hard to the Touch" level.


It's bottle


Deleted 4 years ago

nevermind, I looked thru the comments and found out how.


this game is so cute! i love it :o. keep it up!

how do i get a mana potion


nvm its plasma and flower and then add brewery

i am starting this and i crafted the torch, but when i present it, he says to craft a torch

Hey, sorry about that. Which level is this on?

on tutorial level 2

same its not letting me get past

had to make mist then stick then torch


I really love the whole art-style and the toned down saturation. Really works like a charm and creates a solid game look just by the colour! I did have some jumpy texts at the browser version. Seemed like auto-scaling or something… Not sure if this should happen?
Its a lovely little game, really like the idea :D reminds me a tiny bit of the “Alchemist” board-game, maybe you have heard about it? I’m currently also working on a game and making a tutorial is difficult! I'm at version 3 right now and still not really happy with it. If you have any idea’s or feedback that would be great!

This tutorial really explains things well and since your learning the game it was just fun to do. But it did feel a bit to long and could have been accomplished with less text to shorten the experience. But I'm not an expert ;) since i also did a version with way to much and one with way to little text :P hard to get it right!

i get an error while trying to launch the game ...
for trying to post a screenfetch of it but it just complains that the text isn't betwen 1 and 20480 characters XD .
its not even text and even if i do add a bit of text it still complains.

(1 edit)

a there we go XD i finally got itch to function correctly.


How do i make flowers


How to make a flower: ~SPOILERS~

-first combine sand and water to get clay

-use clay and fire to get a pot

-combine dirt and clay pot

you now have a planter so just water it and you get a flower. Use different elements to make different flowers

how do i get dirt?

Dirt- Stone+Log


oopily woopily

Deleted post


first, you have to make a plant then you combine wind and wood to make a stick, plant + stick = vine


I'm having problems with ending the level. Whenever i give the final product to the receiver they take it tell me what they think and then just nothing happens


Which level is this happening on?

All of them. It doesn't work on the tutorial nor the first level

I've tried looking into this and I can't seem to find an issue. Could you press F12 after this bug happens and post what it says in the "Console" section into a pastebin?

It just pulls up my windows thing in the bottom left corner, no console or anything i can copy comes up. Any other way to find that "console" or whatever it is?

Yep, so once you press f12 and it brings up that window, there should be some tabs on the top bar of that window - "Elements", "Sources", something like that. One of them should say Console. Can you try to replicate the error, then open up the console window and paste what's in it?

I have the same thing

Heyo, just fixed the issue. Sorry about that! 

alright, I should've fixed the bug now. Lemme know if the issue persists :)

Is there supposed to be more story levels or not, because I beat them in ten minutes

No, unfortunately we've put Artificer on hold indefinitely. We may come back to it some day, but not for a while I don't think.

I'm stuck on the "something to climb with" level. All she says is "do you think I can climb with that" an I can't find a way to make a rope, or ladder. 

make wire

thats all, im not gonna tell you how

thank you, I might have an idea. 

I know it says the customer is supposed to give you clues if you give them something. But the only thing she says is "do you really think I can climb with that?" Is it limited on what items she can respond to? I feel like it needs a bit more of a hint system. Otherwise I'm really enjoying it.


make a vine


make vines stick + plant


so like a lot of people i'm stuck on the dang flower and the only plants i can seem to make are vines, grapes and trees, i also understand from the comments i've read that i need clay only problem is that i don't know how to make that either


so i figured it out and have to say i'm not happy, i get that this is supposed to be some type of alchemy game but there is very little logic to this game and the fact that it is possible for people to easily get stuck in the prologue is a problem in itself

Hey, sorry you had a bad time with the game. Yeah, I'm not overly happy with a number of things in our current crafting system either, and the flower is one of the worst offenders (having to get to it through planter instead of through plant). We tried to solve the problem a bit in Kraft and Slash by making the planter and flower more accessible, but we haven't brought the changes back to Artificer yet. 

Sorry to disappoint you. Cheers, and have a nice weekend. 

- Dpodz


can you make a version that fits on a computer screen?

Yeahhhh, the real problem is designing for portrait mobile vs landscape computer, there are tons of differences in UI/UX considerations. If we were to revisit Artificer in the future and try to aim for the computer market, we'd probably do a full redesign. As it stands though, we're not planning to make a landscape computer version. 

i can't figiure out how to give the cat a fishing rod lol please help

(1 edit)

Drag the fishing rod onto the cat


Hey there! Wonderful game, my wife and I love it and are going nuts to get every possible combo. 

We are only missing one puzzle right now and it's the "More Arms" one. It's driving us crazy. 

Keep up the great work ❤️

Thank you <3 Really happy to hear you've been enjoying the game.

Hope you can solve More Arms! It's probably my favourite riddle :)

- Dpodz


Yay! Solved! 

Now a place to just try to get all remaining recipes would be great. We've been using the last tutorial but there's no electricity there :c

Haha great! Well I overhauled the "compendium" system in our other game Kraft & Slash, and I want to bring that update to Artificer eventually - that'll make discovering all the items more satisfying. I'll probably do a maintenance patch for the game sometime this month.

Thanks again for playing :)

- Dpodz

How did you solve it?


Hi! This game is fun and so cute!

I love the gameplay, very Doodle God-esque but way more interesting and interactive. I like the little story going on and I like how you've added the riddles as small challenges on the side. Overall, the game is super addicting to play/finish, I hope you can make this into a full fledge game!

PS, In the Wave Away book within the riddles section, for 'Toss Me Into the Sea' I couldn't make a fishing rod, (which I think is the answer? maybe?) since energy wasn't an option and it seems impossible to complete due to this. Is it just missing? Or is there a way to create energy in similar ways like the other elements?

Love the game and keep it up!! <3

Hey there! Actually, the solution to "Toss Me Into the Sea" is about tossing a typical messaging vessel into the sea (perhaps homage to a famous song by The Police?). I just made sure and it's definitely solvable :)

Really glad you enjoyed the game! We're actually just on the cusp of releasing the first full version of our other game, Kraft & Slash! It's not quite as comfy as Artificer since it's a faster paced action game, but it uses the same crafting mechanic and we put just as much care into everything.

Thanks again for the words of encouragement! Hearing that people enjoy our games really helps us keep going, and we hope to return to Artificer at some point.


- Dpodz

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! I really love the art and music
One thing i'd have liked is the ability to restart a level without having to exit, and re-read all the dialouge everytime.

Tutorial was very clear :)

But i got stuck on level 1 because i couldnt find sand, and restarting was a bit painful xD Sometimes i had to to save and exit because it wouldn't automatically exit me at 0 - even though i was at 0 patience, and I'd presented.

Lovely game <3

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