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wow that was late,  been waiting for someone new to talk too forever! You kept me waiting >:c


could you please add something like a mace that just flings you towards the enemy or it just emits a shockwave?

(1 edit)

I broke the game with grandpa's ashes, 10/10. :] (Note, This is not due to a bug i'm just dum)

won't let me play? says something about my java would love it if y'all could figure this out.

fun game realy like might play for awhile

the atelier lets you make a weapon The PROBLEM is that you can name the item anything you want Make it SUPER OP and have it be a Super easy recipe

one of my all time favorite game

why is it lagging so bad tho

you have to pay for the downloads :(

when I tried to download it then it says "Nothing is available for download yet."


Also, Created An Item That Had Lowest Spawn Cooldown For Another Item, Like A Lightbulb But Fast,  It Then Just Lagged The Game Hard, But It Still Worked, Most Likely Will Crash Soon

When I tried to go to download, it said there were no files available for download?

this game reminds me magicka due to craft. Very nice game!

doing a mini jet speed run anyone doing this too?


I think the browser version of the game has broke

help me! How does the forge


No Hammer + Sickle?

I just made a flying weapon to make you go at the speed of light and I don't regret it at all

The download link has no file in it

you have to pay for it



bro wth happened?


Fun right?



How is fun? I think there's repice already, 

water + wood then Air + pulp = Paper, it's diff like your move

I made a weapon called rocks and glass, and I love it.

how do you make a shovel?

Id like it for the Weapon make to have it so you can shoot things different from what your holding 

i think the weapon maker is a little limited i have a couple ideas for some cool stuff to do with it though:

1. the art is challenging and limiting, maybe some kind of pixel art or simple hand drawing thing?
2. the choices of projectiles is very limited and doesnt allow for many unique things that are in the base game already, i think a projectile creator and more base templates for things similar to hot water/ crucible Etc.
3. You can not use a sprite that stays still and fires its own projectile, make it so you can have your weapon spawn a projectile and stay still, like the railgun

4. you cannot make something like the magic wand with randomly spawning projectiles, make some kind of thing where you can select a number of projectiles and it will pick one of them

do keep in mind i am pretty new to the weapon maker so some of these things might be possible but at the very least theyre not easy or obvious

i also do understand making a game is hard so dont stress yoursel(f/ves) to much

still very good game with cute art and a unique concept thats all i have for now though ill follow up if i get more ideas

I actually think you can do most if not all of the things I did with weapons with the item maker :) I can give you some idea of how I'd do it:

3. I actually used a slash-type weapon with a duration for the railgun. You can adjust the arc length + "duration" to achieve this affect. Then you use weapon effects to spawn projectiles out the end.

4. You can make a magic wand-type effect by using a multiweapon, and using multiple different items that each have their own weapon effects. Set the order to "randomized", and it'll cause a different effect each time.

thank you! keep up the good work, amazing game. i do like the idea of 1 and 2 though but dont stress yourself/selves keep working on whatever you working on or if youre not working on anything right now, thats fine. its a very good game.

For 2) You can use custom items in multiweapons and weapon affects :)

But yeah, we're not actively working on the game right now. Thanks for your encouragement though!!





Whenever I click the "get it on Google play" button it takes me to Google play button says "something went wrong" Everytime.

Also, i know the Web GL version isn't for mobile devices, but on my phone, when I click "run game" it crashes after showing me it was made with unity.

Other than that, I played on my Chromebook, it's a pretty good game!

I need to update some stuff and re-upload the google play version. Sorry about that! Thanks for the heads up.


can you update the Google Play version so it's playable on newer devices?

On it!


how do you make the sword

I dunno

I cant play the web version for some reason, is it intended?

How do I use custom weapons in the game? I gave mine a crafting recipe, but it doesn't seem to work

Nevermind, I didn't apply the recipe

I found a way to make the tempered sword right at the beginning if I get lucky enough. Also I'm a completionist, and I'm trying to find all the swords I can make. Currently I have found the sharp, fire, ice, regular, tempered, and thunder swords. Can you tell me what the last one is?

Ooh very nice. I think you're missing Broad Sword! It's sword, with a lot more steel

Alright, thank you!

Did it in 1 minute and 20 seconds with a custom weapon

Managed 1:07 in a 2nd try

how to make spear

stick and stone

I really loved this game, I have it installed on my computer and on my phone, highly recommended :D

you should have recepie sync between this game and artificer, as it can become tedious to explore every recipie in this game when the stakes are so high

add an endless wave system. It gets boring after a while, with no new challenges to conquer.

how to make a sword


forge + steel

how do you make a forge

its cute ^^ Kiiro aproved it! keep up~ 

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