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how the hell do i create a sword im pretty confuse



omy gosh the lighting spear is amazing

how do u make it?

make  stick with wind + wood then a normal spear with stick + rock and then lighting spear with spear + lighting


OH AND CAN U DO SOMTHING WERE U CAN MAKE A RUSTY SPEAR OR A RUSTY SWORD  it would have the sam affects as rust it would just be better

i would love more leve updates


I am planning to add more levels after the next update :)

I hate every time you HAVE to reset the whole game. Is there a save, if so WHERE?!!


well for me and most other people it just autosaves unless u die if u die u have to start all over again that's how it works but if ur reading the game then it should autosave and load up from the last point u were /not the creator i just love to play this game

try swapping browsers, my other browser never saved but it autosaves on google chrome canary

how do you make an etheryllis? the flower


The light bulb is also a pretty good sniper it sticks to the enemy and does a good amount of damage, how to craft light bulb:
glass+electricity= LIGHT BULB

I feel like the flower just by itself is the best way to block the shards from the monsters with the mask. Obviously just keep on spamming it while facing them/hold down right click

the miro is better



cook ur stone with FIRE

All my progress was lost great

can u not full reset when die its so annoying


well there is no check point system and its more of a how far can you go kind of game theres 6 leves i belive so just keep trying/not the creator just love the game


my best time!


does anyone know how to make magic category items? besides plasma

use the hit system

Um. Why does it say, enemies, -1?

try reloading

Just a bug that's in the current version. The fix will be coming in the next update!


i wish it didnt restart u all the way every time u die


löve dis game btw

26 min speed run lol

so i used a hint and it gave me a cup of somthing so i have to mix hot water with a flower but it only makes the water lily

its the last thing i need to have everything T~T

That one is actually trick you need to upgrade your flower, as in for instance flower + fire, then use that upgraded flower on hot water.

so i need to make a fire lily and use it with hot water

Sorry about that! There are some unintended consequences to how I did the recipe system. This is fixed in the coming update :)

its ok don't worry about it I'm just happy that now I can brag to my brothers that i have everything and I beat all the levels

its ok don't worry about it I'm just happy that now I can brag to my brothers that i have everything and I beat all the levels

how do i make a normal sword and can i make anything with rust

no the best weporon is the fire sword its so op

(1 edit)

How do you make a fire sword

fourge/the anvil thingy and steel

if u make the fire sword the put water on it i think it makes it so much better


well that's ur option u can choose what u want

(1 edit)

Lightning: Best sniper rifle
Gravel: best movement item
Mist: small range shotgun

well i feel the fire ball would be a RPG then

the ice spear is a better sniper because of its damage and really its just the best weapon in general

i mean, best for beginners ^^"

hey Ummm... I got a small glitch where I tried to make a fireball which i made 10000 times but when I combine them it makes nothing and I couldn't put anything on the crafting table

can u make stuff with rust u don't have to tell me what I just wanna know if its a possibly


jajajaj es muy divertido, aunque saben, cuando logre hacer un avión de papel y empecé a lanzar muchos, el juego se detuvo.


I like how when i scroll off the game it locks up the music and makes funny sounds... 10/10

also this is a really cute game

What are you folks' best scores?

Mine's 5:13

Someone posted a 4:31 in the discord a couple weeks ago! I don't remember my personal record, I'll have to give it a shot again.

26 min on the dot


I like the Electric Spear

Spear + Lightning

Spear: stick + stone

Stick: wood + air


Not better than the ice spear!


the lightning sword is better than the ice sword tho

How do you make the sword just a basic sword


(Recipe spoilers)

For anyone who is struggling to get through a certain level, here's what I equipped myself with that helped get through all levels in less than 5 minutes!

  • Ice spear: I use to freeze enemies, since it keeps them from moving for about a second, and it does fairly high damage. Recipe:               

                                                 Ice spear                                                                                                        |                                                                                                 Spear    +     Ice                                                                                         |                  |                                                                             stick + stone    water + air                                                                        |                                                                                                      wood + air

  • Fireball: I use this more to move around than to do damage, as its damage is pretty bad, but higher than the basic elements (which are viable to move around, too), so I use it instead of, say, fire or electricity.

                                               Fireball                                                                                                        |                                                                          (Plasma or charcoal)  +  fire                                                                       |                  |                                                                      Fire + electricity        fire + wood

  • Fire lily: This flower does some spectacular damage when it explodes, which only takes about 2 seconds to do so, and it's very useful for levels with larger amounts of enemies in a small space (like the last level).                                                                                                                                                                                                             Fire lily                                                                                                    |                                                                                             Flower  +  fire                                                                                        |                                                                                            planter + water                                                                                       |                                                                                                        clay  + dirt                                                                                            |           |                                                                              sand + water     wood+stone                                                                   |                                                                                                stone + (air or water)                                                  

Finally, these power ups are optional, but are recommended:

  • Protein shake: Available at the start menu shop for some stars, grants you an extra heart every level            
  • Extra material: Also available at the start menu shop for some starts, it grants you an extra of each element. 

I hope this helps anyone struggling :) !


if im bored i just grab my good mouse and play this


It's so fun!

at the start make the stuff u have equipped have one wepon to move with one protection that attacks then one main attack

i use paper to move lum tube to protec and light bulb to attac

paper gets replaced with water lily when possible

is it FINAL? 

and i have water lily light bulb and lum tube

its really good for the ones with blue creatures

nooooo i died on final gauntlet at the very end just 1 creature left

I just gave a tip. What do I need to do to receive and redeem the code for skins?

The gameplay is fairly straightforward, the crafting interface is very user-friendly, and the characters are pretty cute. I'll really like seeing this game grow!


Thank you so much, that's so kind of you! You should've received a code in your receipt that has the redemption code for your tip. If you didn't, let me know and I'll send it manually.

Unfortunately, no code appeared in the receipt. 


Okay, send me an email at and I'll get a code to you.


I think I responded to the email that was attached to your paypal receipt. Let me know if you got it!

i can;t buy anything

noo my progress

Oh no, your save progress got wiped? Some people have been having trouble with that recently, ill try to do some troubleshooting this weekend.

Deleted 4 years ago

i cant claim the carier craft

i used code and did speical combination and still cant click claim


i died then it says my favorite is pot but idk how to make and i have not used

and i cant click anything

i just found out how to make pot!

how long did this take to make?

It took about 4 months of hard work, spread out through about a year and a half. And we're going to be updating soonish, so we're still putting time in!

fun and hard game simple story all in 4 months. sounds like success!

why is cherry blossom apart of botany and not flowers?

Oh is it not? That's a mistake then, we'll fix it up

can you add a way to cancel crafts? the only way to not go through with a craft that would work once you place down the materials is to swap one of the materials with something that wont work or just hit play without crafting which is kinda annoying. could you add something like a cancel button at the bottom that only becomes pressable when theres a possible craft and when you press it it just sends the materials out of the crafting circle back to the top or the left

Can't you drag and drop the items off of the crafting board? It's probably not something worth adding a button for though, the fewer buttons the better.

oh sorry you can, i didn't realize the hitboxes on the items was so big

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